Sunday, 9 October 2011




Engine decking process is one of the most critical process in final assembly line of light transport vehicle (LTV maxximo, 2Cylinder CRDe engine with DOHC technology 4Valve/cylinder Power-25HP, 45NM torque ,850kg payload ,900CC engine) of Mahindra .Painted bodies with chassis passed to final assembly lines on conveyers where different vehicle components are attached to it such as doors, cargo radiator, instrument panel , wind shield glass ,engine, axle, steering gear box, wheels, batteries etc.
In engine decking process, Engine is attached to the body of LTV. Engine placed on self propelled engine trolley which moves on circular conveyer in closed loop and attached to body of LTV which is hold by electro monorail sensor hanger (EMS).earlier in this process  assembly workers moves with line process speed and do all assembly work of engine attachment to the body i.e. positioning of engine on trolley, alignment of engine, torquing of engine with chassis etc. This process is inconvenient  for  assembly workers considering ergonomic point of view.  Output in terms of JPH (jobs /hr)  were not also achieved consistently. in this paper  new process for engine decking has  been designed  by considering ergonomic point of view, with changing EMS hanger speed at different stations on assembly line and providing stop for engine assembly on vehicle body.Time for which engine on trolley is stopped is known as engine decking cycle time.That time  is optimized using simulation  techniques.
2.1 What is Simulation?
VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Association of German Engineers) guideline 3633 defines simulation as the emulation of a system, including its dynamic processes, in a model one can experiment with. It aims at achieving results that can be transferred to a real world installation. In addition, simulation defines the preparation, execution and evaluation of carefully directed experiments within a simulation model.
Developing your simulation model is a cyclical and evolutionary process. You will start out with a first draft of your model and then refine and modify it to make use of the intermediary results the simulation runs provide. Eventually, after several cycles, you will arrive at your final model.


2.2Time-Oriented Simulation and Event-Oriented Simulation

Plant Simulation is a discrete, event-oriented simulation program, i.e., it only inspects those points in time, at which events take place within the simulation model
A discrete, event-oriented simulation program on the other hand only takes points in time (events) into consideration that are of importance to the further course of the simulation. Such events may, for example, be a part entering a station or leaving it or of it moving on to another machine. Any movements in between are of little interest to the simulation as such. It is only important that the entrance and the exit (Out) events are displayed correctly. When a part enters a material flow object, Plant Simulation calculates the time until it exits that object and enters an exit event into the list of scheduled events of the EventController for this point in time.
Thus, the simulation time that the EventController displays, leaps from event to event. This happens as soon as an event is processed.
“To change the  existing process of engine decking in which all these assembly operations worker has to move with conveyer and fitting engine on body. For whole shift it was difficult for worker to aligning of engine , torquing etc. Task is to develop new method convenient to assembly workers and achieve desired output in terms of JPH.(jobs per hour)” .In new method, engine on self propelled trolley will stop for assembling with vehicle body at station with some time known as engine decking cycle time. We have to optimize that time with the help of simulation. following are some of task for that we have to use simulation techniques.
·         Validate Stop and Go Concept for Engine Decking process
·         Validate/predict System throughput
·         Validate/optimize Engine Decking Operation  cycle time
·         Optimize EMS Hanger Speed
·         Optimization Engine trolley
·         What-if analysis
4.1Material Flow Objects
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation provides these objects for simulating the flow of materials through a plant:
·         Objects for modeling the plant and for controlling the simulation:
·         The Connector for establishing material flow connections between objects.
·         The EventController for coordinating and synchronizing the events taking place during a simulation run.
·         The Frame as the container for creating your simulation models. It might, for example, represent a complex machine, a part of an installation, or the entire plant.
·         The Interface for modeling transitions between Frames, i.e. the different parts of the model.
·         The material flow objects proper:
·         The AngularConverter for changing the conveying direction of the mobile objects.
·         The Assembly Station for adding mounting parts to a main part, for example doors to a car body.
·         The Buffer for temporarily holding a large number of parts.
·         The Cycle for synchronizing the transfer of parts from station to station.
·         The DismantleStation for removing mounting parts from a main part.
·         The Drain for removing the parts from the plant after they have been processed.
·         The FlowControl for modeling common strategies for splitting-up and bringing together the flow of materials.
·         The Line  for modeling a conveyor system.
·         The ParallelProc for modeling stations for processing several parts in parallel at the same time.
·         The PickAndPlace robot for picking up a part at one station and placing it onto another station.
·         The PlaceBuffer for temporarily holding parts in a row, one behind the other.
·         The SingleProc for processing parts on a single processing station.
·         The Sorter for sorting parts according to different sort criteria.
·         The Source for producing the parts that pass through your model.
·         The Store  for storing parts.
·         The Track  for modeling a transport line on which the Transporter drives.
·         The mobile objects which the material flow objects process or which transport materials:
·         The Entity for modeling parts being produced and transported.
·         The Container for modeling pallets, bins, boxes, etc.
·         The Transporter for modeling self-propelled vehicles allowing it to drive on its own on a Track and to transport parts.
 5    MODEL
Fig.1 simulation model for engine decking





Table 2


Table 3


Table 4


Table 5

6.6 Hanger Speed Vs decking cycle time  analysis

Table 6

                   Engine decking process is the process in which engine of LTV is attached to the body of vehicle. With the help of discrete event simulation we able to change process of engine decking. In earlier process assembly workers has to move along self propelled engine trolley  and EMS (electro monorail sensor) hanger and engine from engine trolley is assembled to the body of the vehicle. But this process was inconvenient to workers ergonomic point of view.                                                                Using discrete event simulation we able to make go and stop concept for engine decking so that engine on self propelled trolley will stop for time equal to engine decking cycle time  at station five . Within that decking cycle time worker will do all operation related to engine decking process.
            We have find following using discrete event simulation
}  The optimum engine decking operation cycle time is 2 min 20 second with hanger speed 12 m/min(station 4,5,6).
}  Hanger speed between station between 3 & 4 ,4 & 5 and 5 & 6 is 12m/min
}  By decreasing the hanger speed at station 4,5,6 the decking cycle time(at station 5) is decreasing
}  At 6 m/min  of hanger speed the best decking cycle time is 1 min 55 sec at station 5
}  Optimum number of engine trolley is 3

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4.      Nils Boysen a, Malte Fliedner a, Armin Scholl- “Sequencing mixed-model assembly lines: Survey, classification and model critique”
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9.      Peng Qu, Geoffrey E. Skinner,Scott J. Mason,(2003) “Sizing A Pilot Production Line Using Simulation” Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference
10.   B. Johansson, S. Jain, J. Montoya-Torres, J. Hugan, and E. Yücesan, (2010)
Increasing Throughput In An Automated Packaging Line With Irreducible Complexity” Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference
11.    Ray J Paul, Jasna Kuljis,(2008) “Problem Solving, Model Solving, Or What?”Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference
12.  Minh Dang Nguyen,Soemon Takakuwa (2008)  “Emergence Of Simulations For Manufacturing Line Designs
13.   Sankar Sengupta, Kanchan Das, Robert P. VanTil (2007) “A New Method For Bottleneck Detection” Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference
14.   Ricki G. Ingalls (2006)“Introduction To Simulation” Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference
15.   Averill M. Law (2008) How To Build Valid And Credible Simulation Models” Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference
16.   Vishvas Patel(2002) “Throughput Analysis & Simulations” Proceedings of the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference
17.   Felipe F. Baesler,Milton Moraga,Francisco J. Ramis(2002) “Productivity Improvement In The Wood Industr Using Simulation And Artificial Intelligence” Winter Simulation Conference
18.   Michael C. Fu (2005) “Simulation Optimization: A Review, New Developments, And Applications”Winter Simulation Conference
19.   Tutorial Tecnomatix Plant Simulation

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