Table of contents | Title | page no. |
1 | 1 Introduction 1.1Introduction of company 1.2What is simulation? 1.3Time oriented simulation and event oriented simulation 1.4Why employ simulation? | 8 8 10 11 11 |
2 | Basic simulation modeling 2.1 The nature of simulation 2.2 Systems, models and simulation 2.3 Experiment with actual system Vs experiment with model of systems 2.4 Physical model Vs mathematical model 2.5 Analylitical solution Vs simulation 2.6 Static Vs dynamic simulation 2.7 Deterministic Vs stochastic simulation models 2.8 Continuous Vs descrete simulation models | 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 |
3 | Descrete event simulation 3.1 Time advance mechanisms 3.2 Component and organization of descrete event simulation 3.3 Steps in sound simulation study 3.4 Continuous simulation 3.5 Advantage disadvantage and pitfalls of simulation | 20 20 21 22 26 26 |
4 | Literature review | 30 |
5 | Problem statements | 37 |
6 | Methodology 6.1 Implementation of simulation project 6.2 Material flow objects in brief 6.3 Material flow objects with description 6.4 Technomatics plant simulation tools | 38 38 40 42 59 |
7 | Model | 60 |
8 | Data collection | 62 |
9 | Results & Analysis 9.1 Scenario 1 9.2 Scenario 2 9.3 Scenario 3 9.4 Scenario 4 9.5 Engine trolley quantity optimization 9.6 Hanger speed Vs decking cycle time analysis | 66 66 67 68 69 70 71 |
10 | Conclusion | 72 |
11 | References | 73 |
List of Tables
No. | Caption of table | Page no. |
1 | Classification of application of simulation in automotive industry | 33 |
2 | Results from scenarios for material handling system | 36 |
3 | Scenario 1 : Decking cycle time , average JPH, average hanger waiting time at different stations. | 66 |
4 | Scenario 2 : Decking cycle time , average JPH, average hanger waiting time at different stations. | 67 |
5 | Scenario 3 : Decking cycle time , average JPH, average hanger waiting time at different stations. | 68 |
6 | Scenario 4 : Decking cycle time , average JPH, average hanger waiting time at different stations. | 69 |
7 | Engine trolley quantity optimization. | 70 |
8 | Hanger speed VS decking cycle time analysis | 71 |
List Of Figures
No | Description | Page no. |
1 | Sketch of test stands layout for simulation experiment | 31 |
2 | Model used for simulation | 60 |
3 | Model using technomatic plant simulation | 61 |
List of Graphs
No | Description | Page no. |
1 | scenario 1 : Average hanger waiting time at station 4 Vs engine decking cycle time for | 66 |
2 | scenario 1 : Average JPH Vs decking cycle time for | 66 |
3 | scenario 2 : Average hanger waiting time at station 4 Vs engine decking cycle time for | 67 |
4 | scenario 2 : Average JPH Vs decking cycle time for | 67 |
5 | scenario 3 : Average hanger waiting time at station 4 Vs engine decking cycle time for | 68 |
6 | scenario 3 : Average JPH Vs decking cycle time for | 68 |
7 | scenario 4 : Average hanger waiting time at station 4 Vs engine decking cycle time for | 69 |
8 | scenario 4 : Average JPH Vs decking cycle time for | 69 |
9 | Engine trolley quantity optimization : no. of trolley Vs JPH | 70 |
Engine decking process is one of the most critical process in final assembly line of light transport vehicle (LTV maxximo, 2Cylinder CRDe engine with DOHC technology 4Valve/cylinder Power-25HP, 45NM torque ,850kg payload ,900CC engine) of Mahindra .
Painted bodies with chassis passed to final assembly lines on conveyers where different vehicle components are attached to it such as doors, cargo radiator, instrument panel , wind shield glass ,engine, axle, steering gear box, wheels, batteries etc.
In engine decking process, Engine is attached to the body of LTV. Engine placed on self propelled engine trolley which moves on circular conveyer in closed loop and attached to body of LTV which is hold by electro monorail sensor hanger (EMS).earlier in this process assembly workers moves with line process speed and do all assembly work of engine attachment to the body i.e. positioning of engine on trolley, alignment of engine, torquing of engine with chassis etc. This process is inconvenient for assembly workers considering ergonomic point of view. Output in terms of JPH (jobs /hr) were not also achieved consistently. in this paper new process for engine decking has been designed by considering ergonomic point of view, with changing EMS hanger speed at different stations on assembly line and providing stop for engine assembly on vehicle body.Time for which engine on trolley is stopped is known as engine decking cycle time.And that time is optimized using simulation techniques.
1.1 company introduction:
About Mahindra group
The Mahindra Group’s Automotive Sector is in the business of manufacturing and marketing utility vehicles and light commercial vehicle, including three-wheelers. It is the market leader in utility vehicles in India since inception, and currently accounts for about half of India’s market for utility vehicles. Although created in 1994 following an organizational restructuring, the Automotive Sector can trace its antecedents back to 1954. The iconic Jeep that led American G.I’s to victory in World War II is the very same vehicle that drove Mahindra group to success in the Automotive sector. Mahindra & Mahindra Limited, the flagship company of the Group, was set up as a franchise for assembling general purpose utility vehicles from Willys, USA. Over the years, the Group has developed a large product portfolio catering to a diverse customer base spanning rural and semi-urban customers, defense requirements and luxurious urban utility vehicles. In 2002, it launched the indigenously engineered world-class sports utility vehicle-Scorpio, which bridges the gap between style and adventure, luxury and ruggedness, performance and economy. The Automotive Sector continues to be a leader in the utility vehicle segment with a diverse portfolio that includes mass transport as well as new generation vehicles like Scorpio, Bolero and the recently launched Xylo. Mahindra Navistar (MNEPL) a second joint venture agreement with Mahindra & Mahindra, Ltd. focuses on producing diesel engines for Medium and heavy Commercial vehicles in India. Beginning in 2009, MNEPL’s advanced diesel engines will power the full line of trucks and buses produced by MNAL. | |
1) Mahindra Maxximo (LTV-Light transport Vehicle)
(MPV-Multi Passenger Vehicle)
2Cylinder CRDe engine with DOHC technology
Power-25HP, 45NM torque
850kg payload
900CC engine
2) Mahindra Navistar truck MN25,MN31
6Cylinder inline engine
210 HP- power
700NM torque
3) MAHINDRA Bolero Pickup
MAHINDRA Xylo pickup
4) Mahindra W-201(Export SUV)
5) Mahindra S201(car)
1.2 What is Simulation?
VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Association of German Engineers) guideline 3633 defines simulation as the emulation of a system, including its dynamic processes, in a model one can experiment with. It aims at achieving results that can be transferred to a real world installation. In addition, simulation defines the preparation, execution and evaluation of carefully directed experiments within a simulation model. [1]
· You first check out the real-world installation you want to model and gather the data you need for creating your simulation model.
· You then abstract this real-world installation and create your simulation model according to the aims of the simulation studies.
· After this, you run experiments, i.e., execute simulation runs, within the simulation model. This will produce a number of results, such as how often machines fail, how often they are blocked, which set-up times accrue for the individual types of station, which utilization the machines have, etc.
· Finally, management will use the results as a base for its decisions about optimizing the real installation.
Developing your simulation model is a cyclical and evolutionary process. You will start out with a first draft of your model and then refine and modify it to make use of the intermediary results the simulation runs provide. Eventually, after several cycles, you will arrive at your final model.
1.3Time-Oriented Simulation and Event-Oriented Simulation
Plant Simulation is a discrete, event-oriented simulation program, i.e., it only inspects those points in time, at which events take place within the simulation model. [19]
In reality, on the other hand, time passes continually. When watching a part move along a conveyor system, you will detect no leaps in time. The curve for the distance covered, and the time it takes to cover it, is continuous, it is a straight line.
A discrete, event-oriented simulation program on the other hand only takes points in time (events) into consideration that are of importance to the further course of the simulation. Such events may, for example, be a part entering a station or leaving it or of it moving on to another machine. Any movements in between are of little interest to the simulation as such. It is only important that the entrance and the exit (Out) events are displayed correctly. When a part enters a material flow object, Plant Simulation calculates the time until it exits that object and enters an exit event into the list of scheduled events of the EventController for this point in time.
Thus, the simulation time that the EventController displays, leaps from event to event. This happens as soon as an event is processed.
1.4Why Employ Simulation?
· Detect and eliminate problems that otherwise would require cost- and time-consuming correction measures during production ramp-up.
· Determine and optimize the times, such as processing time, failure time, recovery time, etc., and the throughput of the plant.
· Determine the size of buffers and the number of machines your intended throughput requires. When a single machine costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, it certainly helps to know if you need one or more machines of one type.
· Optimize the performance of existing production systems by implementing measures that have been verified in a simulation environment prior to implementation
· Optimize the sequence of orders that have to be fulfilled to make as few tool changes necessary as possible.
· Train the operators of the machines in the different states, which machines and the facility can be in.
Simulation Techniques for using computers to imitate, or simulate, the operations of various kinds of real-world facilities or processes. The facility or process of interest is usually called a system, and in order to study it scientifically we often have to make a set of assumptions about how it works. These assumptions, which usually take the form of mathematical or logical relationships, constitute a model that is used to try to gain some understanding of how the corresponding system behaves.[1]
If the relationships that compose the model are simple enough, it may be possible to use mathematical methods (such as algebra, calculus, or probability theory) to obtain exact information on questions of interest; this is called an analytic solution. However, most real-world systems are too complex to allow realistic models to be evaluated analytically, and these models must be studied by means of simulation. In a simulation we use a computer to evaluate a model numerically, and data are gathered in order to estimate the desired true characteristics of the model.
Application areas for simulation are numerous and diverse. Below is a list of some particular kinds of problems for which simulation has been found to be a useful and powerful tool :
· Designing and analyzing manufacturing systems
· Evaluating military weapons systems or their logistics requirements
· Determine hardware requirements or protocols for communications networks
· Determining hardware and software requirements for a computer system
· Designing and operating transportation systems such as airports, freeways, ports, and subways
· Evaluating designs for service organizations such as contact centers, fast-food restaurants, hospitals, and post offices
· Reengineering of business processes
· Analyzing supply chains
· Determining ordering policies for an inventory system
· Analyzing mining operations.
A system is defined to be a collection of entities, e.g., people or machines, that act and interact together toward the accomplishment of some logical end. [This definition was proposed by Schmidt and Taylor (1970).] In practice, what is meant by “the system” depends on the objectives of a particular study. The collection of entitled that comprise a system for one study might be only a subset of the overall system for another. For example, if one wants to study a bank to determine the number of tellers needed to provide adequate service for customers who want just to cash a check or make a savings deposit, the system can be defined to be that portion of the bank consisting of the tellers and the customers waiting in line or being served. If, on the other hand, the loan officer and the safety deposit boxes are to be included, the definition of the system must be expanded in an obvious way. We define the state of a system to be that collection of variables necessary to describe a system at a particular time, relative to the objectives of a study. In a study of a bank, examples of possible state variables are the number of busy tellers, the number of customers in the bank, and the time of arrival of each customer in the bank. [7]
We categorize systems to be of two types, discrete and continuous. A discrete system is one for which the state variables change instantaneously at separated points in time. A bank is an example of a discrete system, since state variables – e.g., the number of customers in the bank – change only when a customer arrives or when a customer finishes being served and departs. A continuous system is one for which the state variables change continuously with respect to time. An airplane moving through the air is an example of a continuous system, since state variables such as position and velocity can change continuously with respect to time. Few systems in practice are wholly discrete or wholly continuous; but since one type of change predominates for most systems, it will usually be possible to classify a system as being either discrete or continuous.
At some point in the lives of most systems, there is a need to study them to try to gain some insight into the relationship among various components, or to predict performance under some new conditions being considered.
2.3 Experiment With The Actual System Vs. Experiment With A Model Of The System.
If it is possible (and cost-effective) to alter the system physically and then let it operate under the new conditions, it is probably desirable to do so, for in this case there is no question about whether what we study is valid. However, it is rarely feasible to do this, because such an experiment would often be too costly or too disruptive to the system. For example, a bank may be contemplating reducing the number of tellers to decrease costs, but actually trying this could lead to long customer delays and alienation. More graphically, the "system" might not even exist, but we nevertheless want to study it in its various proposed alternative configurations to see how it should be built in the first place; examples of this situation might be a proposed communications network, or a strategic nuclear weapons system. For these reasons, it is usually necessary to build a model as a representation of the system and study it as a surrogate for the actual system. When using a model, there is always the question of whether it accurately reflects the system for the purposes of the decisions to be made..
2.4 Physical Model vs. Mathematical Model.
To most people, the word "model" evokes images of clay cars in wind tunnels, cockpits disconnected from their airplanes to be used in pilot training, or miniature supertankers scurrying about in a swimming pool. These are examples of physical models (also called iconic models), and are not typical of the kinds of models that are usually of interest in operations research and systems analysis. Occasionally, however, it has been found useful to build physical models to study engineering or management systems; examples include tabletop scale models of material-handling systems, and in at least one case a full-scale physical model of a fast-food restaurant inside a warehouse, complete with full-scale, real (and presumably hungry) humans [see Swart and Donno (1981)]. But the vast majority of models built for such purposes are mathematical, representing a system in terms of logical and quantitative relationships that are then manipulated and changed to see how the model reacts, and thus how the system would react—if the mathematical model is a valid one. Perhaps the simplest example of a mathematical model is the familiar relation d = rt, where r is the rate of travel, t is the time spent traveling, and d is the distance traveled. This might provide a valid model in one instance (e.g., a space probe to another planet after it has attained its flight velocity) but a very poor model for other purposes (e.g., rush-hour commuting on congested urban freeways).
2.5 Analytical Solution vs. Simulation.
Once we have built a mathematical model, it must then be examined to see how it can be used to answer the questions of interest about the system it is supposed to represent. If the model is simple enough, it may be possible to work with its relationships and quantities to get an exact, analytical solution. In the d =rt example, if we know the distance to be traveled and the velocity, then we can work with the model to get t = d/r as the time that will be required. This is a very simple, closed-form solution obtainable with just paper and pencil, but some analytical solutions can become extraordinarily complex, requiring vast computing resources; inverting a large non sparse matrix is a well-known example of a situation in which there is an analytical formula known in principle, but obtaining it numerically in a given instance is far from trivial. If an analytical solution to a mathematical model is available and is computationally efficient, it is usually desirable to study the model in this way rather than via a simulation. However, many systems are highly complex, so that valid mathematical models of them are themselves complex^ precluding any possibility of an analytical solution. In this case, the model must be studied by means of simulation, i.e., numerically exercising the model for the inputs in question to see how they affect the output measures of performance.
While there may be a small element of truth to pejorative old saws such as "method of last resort" sometimes used to describe simulation, the fact is that we are very quickly led to simulation in most situations, due to the sheer complexity of the systems of interest and of the models necessary to represent them in a valid way.
Given, then, that we have a mathematical model to be studied by means of simulation (henceforth referred to as a simulation model), we must then look for particular tools to do this. It is useful for this purpose to classify simulation models along three different dimensions:
2.6 Static Vs. Dynamic Simulation Models.
A static simulation model is a representation of a system at a particular time, or one that may be used to represent a system in which time simply plays no role.. On the other hand, a dynamic simulation model represents a system as it evolves over time, such as a conveyor system in a factory.
2.7 Deterministic vs. Stochastic Simulation Models.
If a simulation model does not contain any probabilistic (i.e., random) components, it is called deterministic', a complicated (and analytically intractable) system of differential equations describing a chemical reaction might be such a model. In deterministic models, the output is "determined" once the set of input quantities and relationships in the model have been specified, even though it might take a lot of computer time to evaluate what it is. Many systems, however, must be modeled as having at least some random input components, and these give rise to stochastic simulation models. (For an example of the danger of ignoring randomness in modeling a system, Most queuing and inventory systems are modeled stochastically. Stochastic simulation models produce output that is itself random, and must therefore be treated as only an estimate of the true characteristics of the model; this is one of the main disadvantages of simulation
2.8 Continuous Vs. Discrete Simulation Models.
Loosely speaking, we define discrete and continuous simulation models analogously to the way discrete and continuous systems were defined above. More precise definitions of discrete (event) simulation and continuous simulation, respectively. It should be mentioned that a discrete model is not always used to model a discrete system, and vice versa. The decision whether to use a discrete or a continuous model for a particular system depends on the specific objectives of the study. For example, a model of traffic flow on a freeway would be discrete if the characteristics and movement of individual cars are important. Alternatively, if the cars can be treated "in the aggregate," the flow of traffic can be described by differential equations in a continuous model.
Discrete-event simulation concerns the modeling of a system as it evolves over time by a representation in which the state variables change instantaneously at separate points in time. (In more mathematical terms, we might say that the system can change at only a countable number of points in time.) These points in time are the ones at which an event occurs, where an event is defined as an instantaneous occurrence that may change the state of the system. Although discrete-event simulation could conceptually be done by hand calculations, the amount of data that must be stored and manipulated for most real-world systems dictates that discrete-event simulations be done on a digital computer. [14]
3.1 Time Advance Mechanisms
Historically, two principal approaches have been suggested for advancing the simulation clock: next-event time advance and fixed-increment time advance. Since the first approach is used by all major simulation software and by most people programming their model in a general-purpose language, and since the second is a special case of the first, we shall use the next-event time-advance approach for all discrete-event simulation models. [1]
With the next-event time-advance approach, the simulation clock is initialized to zero and the times of occurrence of future events are determined. The simulation clock is then advanced to the time of occurrence of the most imminent (first) of these future events, at which point the state of the system is updated to account for the fact that an event has occurred, and our knowledge of the times of occurrence of future events is also updated. Then the simulation clock is advanced to the time of the (new) most imminent event, the state of the system is updated, and future event times are determined, etc. This process of advancing the simulation clock from one event time to another is continued until eventually some pre-specified stopping condition is satisfied. Since all state changes occur only at event times for a discrete event simulation model, periods of inactivity are skipped over by jumping the clock from event time. (Fixed-increment time advance does not skip over these inactive periods, which can eat up a lot of computer time; It should be noted that the successive jumps of the simulation clock are generally variable (or unequal) in size.
3.2 Components and Organization of a Discrete-Event Simulation Model
Although simulation has been applied to a great diversity of real-world systems, discrete- event simulation models all share a number of common components and there is a logical organization for these components that promotes the programming, debugging, and future changing of a simulation model's computer program. In particular, the following components will be found in most discrete-event simulation models using the next-event time-advance approach programmed in a general-purpose language:
System state: The collection of state variables necessary to describe the system at a particular time.
Simulation clock: A variable giving the current value of simulated time Event list: A list containing the next time when each type of event will occur
Statistical counters: Variables used for storing statistical information about system performance
Initialization routine: A subprogram to initialize the simulation model at time 0 Timing routine: A subprogram that determines the next event from the event list and then advances the simulation clock to the time when that event is to occur Event routine: A subprogram that updates the system state when a particular type of event occurs (there is one event routine for each event type)
Library routines: A set of subprograms used to generate random observations from probability distributions that were determined as part of the simulation model.
Report generator: A subprogram that computes estimates (from the statistical counters) of the desired measures of performance and produces a report when the simulation ends
Main program: A subprogram that invokes the timing routine to determine the next event and then transfers control to the corresponding event routine to update the system state appropriately. The main program may also check for termination and invoke the report generator when the simulation is over.
3.3 Steps In A Sound Simulation Study
Now that we have looked in some detail at the inner workings of a discrete-event simulation, we need to step back and realize that model programming is just part of the overall effort to design or analyze a complex system by simulation. Attention must be paid to a variety of other concerns such as modeling system randomness, validation, statistical analysis of simulation output data, and project management. [see also Banks et al. (2005, pp. 14-18) and Law (2003)]. The number beside the symbol representing each step refers to the more detailed description of that step below. Note that a simulation study is not a simple sequential process. As one proceeds with the study, it may be necessary to go back to a previous step.[15]
1. Formulate the problem and plan the study.
a. Problem of interest is stated by manager.
· Problem may not be stated correctly or in quantitative terms.
· An iterative process is often necessary.
b. One or more kickoff meetings for the study are conducted, with the project manager, the simulation analysts, and subject – matter experts (SMEs) in attendance. The following things are discussed :
· Overall objectives of the study.
· Specific questions to be answered by the study (required to decide level of model detail)
· Performance measures that will be used to evaluate the efficacy of different system configurations.
· Scope of the model
· System configurations to be modeled (required to decide generality of simulation program)
· Time frame for the study and the required resources.
c. Select the software for the model
2. Collect data and define a model.
a. Collect information on the system structure and operating procedures.
· No single person or document is sufficient.
· Some people may have inaccurate information – make sure that true SMEs are identified.
· Operating procedures may not be formalized.
b. Collect data (if possible) to specify model parameters and input probability distributions Delineate above information and data in a written assumptions document Collect data (if possible) on the performance of the existing system (for validation purposes in step 6).
c. Choosing the level of model detail, which is an art, should depend on the following:
· Project objectives
· Performance measures
· Data availability
· Credibility concerns
· Computer constraints
· Opinions of SMEs
· Time and money constraints
d. There should not be a one-to-one correspondence between each element of the model and the corresponding element of the system.
e. Start with a "simple" model and embellish it as needed. Modeling each aspect of the system will seldom be required to make effective decisions, and might result in excessive model execution time, in missed deadlines, or in obscuring important system factors.
f. Interact with the manager (and other key project personnel) on a regular basis
3. Is the assumption? document valid?
a. Perform a structured walk-through of the assumptions document before an audience of managers, analysts, and SMEs (. This will
· Help ensure that the model's assumptions are correct and complete
· Promote interaction among the project members
· Promote ownership of the model
· Take place before programming begins, to avoid significant reprogramming later
4. Construct a computer program and verify.
a. Program the model in a programming language (e.g., C or C++) or in simulation software (e.g., Arena, Extend, Flexsim, and ProModel). Benefits of using a programming language are that one is often known, they offer greater program control, they have a low purchase cost, and they may result in a smaller model-execution time. The use of simulation software, on the other hand, reduces programming time and results in a lower project cost.
b. Verify (debug) the simulation computer program.
5. Make pilot runs.
a. Make pilot runs for validation purposes in step 6.
6. Is the programmed model valid?
a. If there is an existing system, then compare model and system (from step 2) performance measures for the existing system.
b. Regardless of whether there is an existing system, the simulation analysts and SMEs should review the model results for correctness.
c. Use sensitivity analyses to determine what model factors have a significant impact on performance measures and, thus, have to be modeled carefully.
7. Design experiments.
a. Specify the following for each system configuration of interest:
· Length of each simulation run
· Length of the warm up period, if one is appropriate
· Number of independent simulation runs using different random numbers—facilitates construction of confidence intervals
8. Make production runs.
a. Production runs are made for use in step 9.
9. Analyze output data.
a. Two major objectives in analyzing output data are to
· Determine the absolute performance of certain system configurations
· Compare alternative system configurations in a relative sense
10. Document, present, and use results.
a. Document assumptions, computer program, and study's results for use in the current and future projects.
b. Present study's results.
· Use animation to communicate model to managers and other people who are not familiar with all the model details.
· Discuss model building and validation process to promote credibility.
· Results are used in decision-making process if they are both valid and credible.
3.4 Continuous Simulation
Continuous simulation concerns the modeling over time of a system by a representation in which the state variables change continuously with respect to time. Typically, continuous simulation models involve differential equations that give relationships for the rates of change of the state variables with time. If the differential equations are particularly simple, they can be solved analytically to give the values of the state variables for all values of time as a function of the values of the state variables at time 0. For most continuous models analytic solutions are not possible, however, and numerical-analysis techniques, e.g., Runge-Kutta integration, are used to integrate the differential equations numerically, given specific values for the state variables at time 0.
Several simulation products such as SIMULINK, ACSL, and Dymola have been specifically designed for building continuous simulation models. In addition, the discrete-event simulation packages Arena [see Kelton et al. (2004)] and Extend [Imagine (2006)] have continuous modeling capabilities. These two simulation packages have the added advantage of allowing both discrete and continuous components simultaneously in one model. [11]
3.5 Advantages, Disadvantages, And Pitfalls Of Simulation
Simulation is a widely used and increasingly popular method for studying complex systems. Some possible advantages of simulation that may account for its widespread appeal are the following.
· Most complex, real-world systems with stochastic elements cannot be accurately described by a mathematical model that can be evaluated analytically. Thus, a simulation is often the only type of investigation possible.
· Simulation allows one to estimate the performance of an existing system under some projected set of operating conditions.
· Alternative proposed system designs (or alternative operating policies for a single system) can be compared via simulation to see which best meets a specified requirement.
· In a simulation we can maintain much better control over experimental conditions than would generally be possible when experimenting with the system itself
· Simulation allows us to study a system with a long time frame—e.g., an economic system—in compressed time, or alternatively to study the detailed workings of a system in expanded time.
Simulation is not without its drawbacks. Some disadvantages are as follows.
· Each run of a stochastic simulation model produces only estimates of a model's true characteristics for a particular set of input parameters. Thus, several independent runs of the model will probably be required for each set of input parameters to be studied. For this reason, simulation models are generally, not as good at optimization as they are at comparing a fixed number of specified alternative system designs. On the other hand, an analytic model, if appropriate, can often easily produce the exact true characteristics of that model for a variety of sets of input parameters. Thus, if a "valid" analytic model is available or can easily be developed, it will generally be preferable to a simulation model.
· Simulation models are often expensive and time-consuming to develop.
· The large volume of numbers produced by a simulation study or the persuasive impact of a realistic animation often creates a tendency to place greater confidence in a study's results than is justified. If a model is not a "valid" representation of a system under study, the simulation results, no matter how impressive they appear, will provide little useful information about the actual system.
When deciding whether or not a simulation study is appropriate in a given situation, we can only advise that these advantages and drawbacks be kept in mind and that all other relevant facets of one's particular situation be brought to bear as well. Finally, note that in some studies both simulation and analytic models might be useful. In particular, simulation can be used to check the validity of assumptions needed in an analytic model. On the other hand, an analytic model can suggest reasonable alternatives to investigate in a simulation study.[18]
Assuming that a decision has been made to use simulation, we have found the r following pitfalls to the successful completion of a simulation study [see also Law and McComas (1989)]:
· Failure to have a well-defined set of objectives at the beginning of the simulation study
· Failure to have the entire project team involved at the beginning of the study appropriate level of model detail
· Failure to communicate with management throughout the course of the simulation study
· Misunderstanding of simulation by management
· Treating a simulation study as if it were primarily an exercise in computer programming
· Failure to have people with a knowledge of simulation methodology and statistics on the modeling team
· Failure to collect good system data
· Inappropriate simulation software.
· Obliviously using simulation – software products whose complex macro statements may not be well documented and may not implement the desired modeling logic.
· Belief that easy-to-use simulation packages, which require little or no programming, require a significantly lower level of technical competence.
· Misuse of animation
· Failure to account correctly for sources of randomness in the actual system.
· Using arbitrary distributions (e.g., normal, uniform, or triangular) as input to the simulation
· Analyzing the output data from one simulation run (replication) using formulas that assume independence.
· Making a single replication of a particular system design and treating the output statistics as the “true answers”
· Failure to have a warm up period, if the steady-state behavior of a system is of interest.
· Comparing alternative system designs on the basis of one replication for each design.
· Using the wrong performance measures.
Simulation is a powerful tool for the analysis of new system designs, retrofits to existing systems and proposed changes to operating rules. Conducting a valid simulation is both an art and a science. [John S. Carson, II AutoMod Group]
Applications of discrete event simulation in the design of Automotive power train anufacturing systems by The need for and uses of discrete event simulation in the design of test stands for powertrain assemblies and illustrates the
application using a simulation experiment used to improve the design of a typical test stand configuration is stated [Arun Jayaraman Production Modeling Corporation Dearborn, MI] The sketch shows a fairly common yet simple arrangement of the test stands and repair area. This basic structure is modified for further improvements or for handling greater capacity. A few more clarifications can be made about the operation and issues with a typical test loop, using the sketch above. The direction of flow has been shown using arrows. Henceforth the term pallet refers to a pallet with an engine assembly on it.
Pallets are routed to one of three test stands - T1, T2 or T3. Pallets are routed off-line to one of the stands using the spur conveyors connecting each test stand to the main line. Pallets are tagged as ‘good’ or ‘rejected’ based on the test. At point B, good engines continue straight down the main conveyor. Rejected pallets are routed to point D using the conveyor leading to D. The rejected pallets are then repaired and routed by conveyor to point C and then to Point A. These repaired engines are then routed to one of the test stands for re-testing.[3]
Two modes of operation are possible. In the first mode, engines are not allowed past point A unless a test stand is available for engines to go to. This leads to a backup of pallets at Point A. Pallets tagged to be repaired are routed to the repair area. Once repaired, these pallets are routed back to point A where they are given higher priority to be re-tested (to avoid back-ups at the repair area). In the second operation mode, the repair operation is done off-line.

The four scenarios and the throughput capability of the sub-system in each case is discussed in the following section. In each case, the system performance was measured in average number of Jobs Produced Per Hour (JPH). The time taken by a test stand to repair an engine was 57 seconds, across all four models. The time to repair a rejected engine was assumed to be triangularly distributed with a most likely value of 5 minutes (and the minimum time was 2 minutes and the maximum time was 8 minutes). All conveyors operated at a speed of 20 Feet Per Minute across all models. A total reject rate of 3% was used across all three test stands. Rejects were generated on a random basis. It was assumed that all rejected engines could be repaired at the repair area. In other words,there is no scrap.
The same random number streams were used across all four models in order to
ensure unbiased comparison. Each model was simulated for a period representing 100 hours of production. In each simulation the first two hours were designated as the warm- up period. No reliability issues were included in any model. In other words, it was assumed that none of the test stands experienced any breakdowns. The gross throughput capability of the system (assuming no rejects) is 189.4 Jobs Per Hour.
SCENARIO 1 : In this scenario, Operation mode 1 was used. Thus engines to be tested are allowed past point A only if there is a test stand available. As soon as one stand becomes available, an engine is allowed to enter the loop.
Successfully tested engines continue on the main line conveyor past point C. If an engine is tagged as a reject, it is routed down to point D and to the repair area. Repaired engines are routed back to the test stands for re-testing. At point A, priority is given for repaired engines to re-enter the loop when a stand becomes available. From the simulation run, the average throughput capability was determined to be 125.19 Jobs Per Hour.[3]
SCENARIO 2 : In this scenario, Operation mode 2 was used.
Thus pallets (loaded with engines) were allowed past point A even if no test stand was available (currently testing engines). If an untested engine got to point B, it is routed down to point D and re-routed back to point A for testing. Pallets continue re-circulating until they are successfully tested. From the simulation run, the average throughput capability of the system was determined to be 178.05 Jobs Per Hour - a significant improvement over scenario 1. This can be explained by the fact that for the most part, test stands will not have to wait for engines to travel from point A after a stand is freed. The reduced waiting leads to better utilization of the test stands. As evident, the savings in travel time leads to an improvement of 60 Jobs Per Hour.
SCENARIO 3 : This was a modification of scenario 1. As shown in figure , three
additional buffers were added, one across the main conveyor from each stand. These buffers have been denoted as B1, B2 & B3 in the figure. If the test stands are busy, then engines can be routed to an empty buffer. Thus as soon as a test stand becomes available, it can draw an engine from the buffer across it. In the simulation model, it takes 5 seconds for an engine to be transferred from the buffer to the stand. This reduces the idle time of the stands due to lack of untested engines waiting to be transferred immediately to the stand when it becomes available. From the simulation run, the average throughput capability of the system was determined to be 171.4 Jobs Per Hour, a significant
improvement over Scenario 1.
SCENARIO 4 : This scenario was a modification of scenario 2. Similar to scenario 3, in this case three buffers were added across the test stands and the operation mode is the same as that in Scenario 2. Thus untested engines are re-circulating continuously and enter a test stand or buffer if one becomes available. Also, priority is given for an engine waiting in the buffer to be routed to the test stand as opposed to an engine from the main conveyor. However, it takes five seconds for an engine to be transferred from the buffer to the test stand across it. From the simulation run, the average throughput capability of the system was determined to be 172.3 Jobs Per Hour. This is a loss in throughput compared to Scenario 2. The increased transfer time from the buffer to the tests stand causes the loss in throughput. Thus in the case of operation mode 2, addition of buffers across from the test stands leads to a loss in system throughput. From the simulation experiments on the test stand sub-system, it was determined that Scenario 2 was the optimal scenario.
Classification of the Applications of Simulation in the Automotive Industry
[Simulation in automobile industry – Onur Ulgen(production modeling corporation & university of Michigan-Dearborn) Ali Gunal (production modeling corporation]

Simulation model life-cycle approaches are discussed next. In the final two sections of the chapter we review the emerging role of robotics simulation and discuss trends in the future of simulation in the automotive industry [2]
In what follows, we discuss mainly the applications of discrete-event simulation in the automotive industry. Applications of discrete-event simulation in the design and operation of vehicle manufacturing systems can be categorized in two different ways. The first classification is based on the stage of the development of the design of the system. Four categories are observed
in this classification: conceptual design phase, detailed design phase, launching phase, and fully operational phase. The conceptual phase refers to the initial stage where new methods of manufacturing and material handling are tested by the engineers. Discrete-event simulation packages with three-dimensional animation capabilities are the popular simulation tools at this phase. The detailed design phase refers to the stage where detailed layout plans and equipment specifications are verified for the system. The principal factors considered here include equipment justifications (e.g., the number of hold tables, power and free carriers,
the size of buffers), cycle-time verifications (e.g., conveyor speeds, line throughput), and line operational and scheduling issues (e.g., logic for evacuating ovens and paint booths, repairs, and product mix decisions). Discrete-event simulation packages with built-in detailed equipment features and three-dimensional animation features appear to be the most popular packages used at this stage. The launching phase refers to the stage where the plant operates below the designed operational conditions. In some cases it may take up
to 6 months for the plant to operate under maximum-capacity conditions. Simulation studies performed at this stage are generally used to test operational policies (e.g., operate one of the two paint booths at a time, run each shop for one-half of the total available time, use different product mixes). Discrete-event
simulation packages used at this stage do not typically require the detailed equipment features or the three-dimensional animation features. The simulation program generators with user-friendly features are the most popular packages used at this phase, as models tend to be at a macro level rather than a micro level.
An explanation of macro and micro models, and an example of their interactions, appears in ref. 9. The fully operational phase refers to the stage where the plant is operating at its anticipated capacity. The simulation studies done at this phase consider product mix decisions, new product introductions, new operational policies, and line modifications. Simulation software used at this phase generally require the same capabilities as those used at the launching phase.
The second classification of the use of discrete-event simulation in automotive manufacturing plants is based on the nature of the problem to be investigated. Four major categories can also be identified in this classification: equipment and layout design issues, issues related to variation management, product-mix
sequencing issues, and other operational issues. The equipment and layout design issues include typical problems such as number of machines required, cycle-time verification, identification of buffer storage locations, buffer size (strip conveyors and buffers for sequencing) analysis, and conveyor length and speed etermination. Examples of typical problems in the variation management area are repair and scrap policy analysis, order-size variation, and paint booth scheduling. The product-mix sequencing issues typically include trim line and body shop sequencing, shift scheduling, and trim and final assembly line balancing.
In the other operational issues area, typical applications involve priority ssignment at traffic intersections, assembly-line sequencing, and shift and break scheduling. Table 15.1 summarizes various uses of simulation in vehicle assembly plants. The x-marks indicate typical phases(s) where simulation can play an
essential role for the application area listed and where certain types of problems are more likely to be attacked by the designers or managers. For example, cycle-time verification problems are more likely to arise at earlier stages of the design and operation cycle. However, shift-scheduling problems are likely to be solved once all equipment and layout design issues are finalized. It should be noted, however, that the table constitutes only a broad framework since, in reality, each type of problem area can be attacked in any phase of the design cycle.
In the following sections of this chapter, we discuss applications of discrete-event simulation in assembly plants, major-component plants, and small-components plants. Then we consider the nonmanufacturing applications of discrete-event simulation.
Case Study: Body Shop Material Handling System Analysis
This simulation study was performed during the conceptual design phase of a new vehicle program for a major U.S. car manufacturer. The system studied consisted of the following components: (1) a car track system with several sections, (2) 90˚ turn tables between various sections of the car track system, (3) several robotic spot welding stations, (4) two load/unload stations for two different car models, and (5) a variable number of carriers for each car model. [3]
The objectives of the study were threefold:
1. Determine the best equipment configuration and the corresponding line throughput under a given set of
operating parameters.
2. Determine the maximum allowable cycle time at the loading stations for either car model.
3. Determine the best number of carriers for each car model.
TABLE Results of Four Scenarios

Table 2 : Results of Four Scenarios
Engine decking process consist some of the following operations of engine assembly to the body of vehicle.
Engine Subassembly
· Engine Inspection
· Fitment of FIP main line
· Fitment of return line rubber hose on FIP return line
· Clipping of FIP main & return line
· Insertion of top rubber on cradle tube
· Loading of engine on decking trolley
Fitment of power train
· Power train Positioning
· Engine tightening
· Fitment of Transmission support bkt on chassis with propeller shaft guard
· Fitment of vacuum hose on vacuum reservior tank
· Routing of main fuel line , return fuel line & Negative cable
Problem Defination: “To change the existing process of engine decking in which all these assembly operations worker has to move with conveyer and fitting engine on body. For whole shift it was difficult for worker to aligning of engine , torquing etc. Task is to develop new method convenient to assembly workers and achieve desired output in terms of JPH.(jobs per hour)” .In new method, engine on self propelled trolley will stop for assembling with vehicle body at station with some time known as engine decking cycle time. We have to optimize that time with the help of simulation. following are some of task for that we have to use simulation techniques.
· Validate Stop and Go Concept for Engine Decking process
· Validate/predict System throughput
· Validate/optimize Engine Decking Operation cycle time
· Optimize EMS Hanger Speed
· Optimization Engine trolley
· What-if analysis
6.1Implement a Simulation Project
Before you start implementing your simulation project, you will, more or less, proceed like this. You will:
Determine the goals, so that the purpose of the simulation project becomes clear. Why are you examining a problem? Which questions do you want answered? Put the definition of the project in writing and consult it repeatedly during the course of the project, as the purpose of the simulation study determines the efforts to be made.
Create a concept of your model, with its initial values, its model elements, variables, logic of proceeding and a preliminary description of the simulation experiments. Which parameters do you have to change, which data do you have to collect and how do you interpret this data? Make a list of all functional units that the installation you are modeling will contain. Think about which functional units have identical or similar functionality. Combine them and derive a list of application objects you and your colleagues have to create. Consider re-using existing objects. Specify and plan the remaining objects on paper. Define and describe the interfaces for material and information flow. Outline reset and init Methods.
Ensure early on that the data you need to run the simulation experiments is going to be available. Frequently a lot of time and effort is involved to acquire the data. Make sure that you have the name of a person who responsible for acquiring the data from your client, which may, for example, be another department of your company.
Build a first version of the simulation model in its simplest, most basic form. Build the application objects you need and test them one by one. After you are sure that all objects work the way they are supposed to do, put together the overall model. Document the model in a clearly arranged manner, as six months or a year from the time you modeled you might not remember how you accomplished a certain task or why you solved a specific problem the way you did.
After you are finished building the simulation model, you have to verify it, i.e., check if the components you modeled perform the tasks you programmed them to do. Test each and every object you created. Check for the correct functioning and for concurrence with the specifications. Test the objects in combination with other objects and then in the overall model. Make sure that all parameters are set to the correct values. Once you have verified the model, check it for its validity: Make sure the functionality of the model is as expected and conforms to the functionality of the planned or real installation and see if the results are plausible and credible. Make an estimate of the most important results and compare them with the results of the simulation. Introduce your model to a production or planning expert and discuss the results, the proceedings and your modeling approach with him.
Execute simulation experiments according to your final trial plans to arrive at the desired data. Plan a number of simulation runs and prepare for the variation of parameters and models to get reliable results.
Analyze and interpret the results of the simulation experiments. Conduct a sensitivity analysis of the most important parameters, data and results.
Once you are finished with the simulation project, update the notes you made while modeling to create the final documentation of the entire simulation project. This will help you, when you have to update or extend your simulation model or any of its components. Executing simulation experiments is a cyclical and evolutionary process. You will modify and improve your initial simulation model a number of times as you incorporate new insights from previous simulation runs. Thus you will arrive at your final simulation model after several cycles after continuously changing your initial draft of your simulation model.[15]
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation provides these objects for simulating the flow of materials through a plant: [14]
· The EventController for coordinating and synchronizing the events taking place during a simulation run.
· The Frame as the container for creating your simulation models. It might, for example, represent a complex machine, a part of an installation, or the entire plant.
· The FlowControl for modeling common strategies for splitting-up and bringing together the flow of materials.
· The TwoLaneTrack for modeling a part of a transport line with two lanes on which traffic moves in opposing directions.
· The Transporterfor modeling self-propelled vehicles allowing it to drive on its own on a Track and to transport parts.
· The Broker for brokering offered services and required services. You might model the supervisor of an installation or the foreman of a shop with it.
· The Exporter for providing and exporting services. It represents a group of people, whose individual members you cannot distinguish and whom you cannot address as individuals.
The Buffer significantly improves performance, as compared to the PlaceBuffer, when you model a buffer that holds a large number of MUs. The Buffer does not provide a point-oriented structure, and thus does not have to divide the processing time, i.e., the time during which the MU remains in the buffer, into small steps.
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The Buffer thus significantly improves performance, when you model a buffer with a large Capacity, which does not require the advanced functions of the PlaceBuffer.
The Connector establishes material flow connections between two objects in the same Frame on which the parts move from object to object. It also connects an object with an exit or entrance—modeled with the Interface—of a Frame. The Connector shows the direction of the connection with an arrowhead in the middle of the connecting line.
The object Cycle synchronizes the transfer of MUs from station to station. You can use it to only move a part on to the next station within a balanced line, when all stations have finished processing their parts and when none of the stations are failed, paused or unplanned. In addition, the successor of the balanced line has to be ready to receive the part.
To define the balanced line, enter the name of the first station and of the last station into the text boxes. All stations between the first and the last station, which are connected with Connectors form the balanced line. It has to have a predecessor and a successor.
You can insert as many Cycle objects as you need into your model. They all work independent of each other. When you use several Cycle objects, make sure to only assign each station to a single Cycle object.

The DismantleStation removes mounting parts from the main MU or it creates new MUs. Use it to model dismantle processes in your installation. To assemble parts, you can use the Assembly Station.
The Drain removes the parts and workpieces, which the Source
produced, from the plant after they have been processed. You can use it to model the shipping department of your installation.

The built-in properties of the Drain are the same as those of the SingleProc. Like it, it has a single processing station. The only difference is that the Drain destroys the processed MU instead of moving it on to a succeeding object in the flow of materials.
The EventController coordinates and synchronizes the different events taking place during a simulation run.
Plant Simulation is a discrete event simulation system that shows the state changes of the model components at certain points in time, not continually over time. When an MU enters a processing station, for example a SingleProc, Plant Simulation computes the time it takes to process it and enters that event and that time into the List of Scheduled Events of the EventController. Plant Simulation considers these events in a discrete way, step by step. The main advantage of this approach is that it skips the time that elapses in real time between the events. Imagine a time line where you insert markers at certain points.
The EventController moves along the time line like the play-back head of a video recorder, and interprets messages relating to the events the objects execute. After the processing time has elapsed, the EventController passes on to the station that has to initiate an exit (Out) events, the SingleProc in our case. The MU then moves on to the succeeding object in the flow of materials. There again, Plant Simulation calculates the exit time and passes it to the EventController. It then sets a marker at the point in time the station has to move the MU to the next station. Plant Simulation repeats this process cyclically for all MUs located in the simulation model.
The FlowControl allows to model common strategies for splitting-up and for bringing together the flow of materials. Note that the FlowControl does not process the MUs, it only distributes them among the objects that succeed it in the sequence of stations in the simulation model.
Insert the FlowControl between two other objects to control the flow of materials between these objects. If need be, you can also combine several FlowControl objects.
Create your simulation models in the Frame located in the folder Models in the Class Library. The Frame serves for grouping objects and to build hierarchically structured models by inserting any of the built-in objects or any objects you design. Model transitions from Frame to Frame with the object Interface. Connect objects within the Frame and Frames with the object Connector.
When you connect Frames with Connectors, Plant Simulation opens the dialog Select Interface in which you have to select an Interface, which you inserted into the Frame.

You can model transitions between Frames with the object Interface. These interfaces are the places at which the MUs pass from one Frame to another in your simulation model. You can position the Interface anywhere in a Frame.
For an Interface object, which you inserted into a Frame, Plant Simulation shows if the Interface is connected to another object with a Connector.
With the object Line you can model a conveyor system or a part thereof. As opposed to the other material flow objects, Plant Simulation uses the actual Length, which you enter, during your simulation run. The Line transports an MU along its entire length with a constant speed. An MU cannot pass another MU moving along in front of it. If you do not enter an exit control, the Line divides the MUs equally among the successors it is connected to.
In case the preceding MU cannot exit the Line, the check box Accumulating sets if succeeding MUs may move up, so that they are located front to back to each other, or if they will retain their distance to each other.
When moving the MU from Line to Line, Plant Simulation passes it on continually, i.e., it only moves the front of the MU on to the successor, while the remainder of the MU follows with the speed you set as the Speed. When the transport speeds differ, Plant Simulation uses the speed of the Line, on which the Booking point width of the MU is located.
You can also enter the MU distance between parts on the Line. This is the distance between the end of the part that is located on the Line and the beginning of the next part that wants to enter. When no further parts are supplied, the Line stops once the distance has been reached. As soon as the next part arrives, it starts to transport parts again. The default value -1 means that the Line does not use an MU distance.
The ParallelProc has several stations for processing mobile objects (MUs) in parallel at the same time. The built-in properties of the ParallelProc are the same as those of a SingleProc with several processing stations.
When you do not enter a special entrance control, the ParallelProc places an incoming MU onto a random station. A set-up time always applies, when an MU has a different name than the MU it processed before, i.e., its predecessor. Plant Simulation always moves the MU as a whole not continually, i.e., as soon as its front is located on the ParallelProc, the entire MU is located on it.
The pick-and-place robot picks a part up at one station and places it onto another station. It moves a single part at any one time.
The pick-and-place robot moves the part on to its successors within the flow of materials like this:
· The part arrives at the exit of the predecessor. It notifies the pick-and-place robot that it wants to be picked up.
· Without a pull control, the robot will be notified that a part wants to be picked up and it accepts it.
· When you entered a Pull control, the robot executes it, and when the part is selected, it will be picked up.
· For determining the target station, the robot either uses its default exit strategies or the Target control. Within this method you set the target station.
The target control is called, when the robot picks up or when it places a part. Within the method setDestination the boolean argument controls, if the robot waits at the target station.
The PlaceBuffer has a number of stations, arranged in a row, one behind the other. The MUs it processes have to advance from station to station and can only leave the PlaceBuffer after they passed the last station. This way, you can call each and every station individually.
An MU can move directly to an idle station in the PlaceBuffer. When you create an MU on an idle station, it may pass on to the next station or the next object.
· To make the MUs accumulate on the PlaceBuffer, select the check box Accumulating. This allows the MUs to move front to end to each other, when the exit of the PlaceBuffer is blocked.
· To make the MUs retain their distance to each other, i.e., make all succeeding MUs stop moving when the preceding MU cannot exit, clear Accumulating.
You can only define the processing time for the PlaceBuffer as whole, not for each individual station. It divides the processing time equally among its stations, i.e., when you set a processing time of 60 seconds for 3 stations, each station processes the MU for 20 seconds.
The SingleProc has a single station for processing an MU. The SingleProc receives an MU from its predecessor, processes it and passes it on to the successor.
If the types of MU are not the same, i.e., if they do not have the same name, the SingleProc has to set up to process this new type of MU. While an MU is located on the SingleProc, it does not receive any additional MU. An MU may only enter, when the SingleProc is available, i.e., when no other MU is located on it. Plant Simulation always moves the MU as a whole not continually, i.e., as soon as its front is located on the SingleProc, the entire MU is located on it.
The Sorter sorts the MUs located on it according to sort criteria, which you define. The exit sequence of the MUs depends on the priorities you set. The Sorter moves the MU with the highest priority first, regardless of the time at which it entered. You can define the priority of the MU with the Sort criterion and the sort Sort order. The data type of the sort criterion must be real or convertible to real.
When you select a Descending sort order, the Sorter moves the MU with the highest value, with respect to the sort criterion, first.
When you want to sort the MUs located on the Sorter only when an MU enters, it is assumed that the sort criterion does not change during the MUs time in the Sorter. In this case, Plant Simulation places new MUs into the existing order of MUs located on it.
When the value of the sort criterion depends on the time, for example the battery charge of a Transporter, Plant Simulation sorts the MUs every time the contents changes, especially before an MU moves.
When an MU does not have a sort criterion, or its data type cannot be converted to real, the MU sequence on the object is undefined, and Plant Simulation shows an error message in the Console. When there are several MUs with the same value for the sort criterion, the order of these MUs with respect to each other is not defined.
The Source produces MUs in a single station. It has a capacity of one and no processing time. It produces the same or different types of MUs one after the other or in a mixed sequence. It might, for example, represent the receiving department of your installation that introduces parts produced at another location into the plant. Or it can be a machine, which produces the parts that the other stations process.
You can set a procedure to determine the times at which it creates the parts as well as a procedure to determine the types of MUs to be produced. As an active material flow object, the Source attempts to move the MUs it produced to the objects to which it is connected. You can also define how the Source proceeds when it cannot move an MU to its succeeding object, by selecting or clearing Operating mode.
You will use the Source to produce the parts and workpieces that move through your installation and which are processed by the different stations.
You will use the Drain to remove these parts from the factory to model, for example, the shipping department of your facility.
The Store stores any number of MUs you define. They remain in the Store until you remove them, for example by using a Method. Enter the number of storage places in a net of coordinates, using the attributes X-dimension and Y-dimension.
When you decrease the size of the Store, note that you will have to delete or move MUs that are located outside of these new coordinates. If, for example, an MU is located at the position (3,4), the new x-coordinate may not be less than 3, and the new y-coordinate less than 4.
The Store receives MUs as long as storage places are available. The MU triggers a sensor, when it enters the Store. The sensor then calls an entrance control, i.e., a Method object that determines the storage place onto which the Store places the MU. The entrance control can update the inventory list or execute any other action you define. If you do not define an entrance control, the Store places the MU onto the first unoccupied storage place in the net of coordinates.
You can use the Track to model a part of a transport line, with or without automatic routing. The Transporter is the only moving material flow object that can use the Track in a meaningful way. You might, for example, utilize both to model an AGV (automatically guided vehicle) system.
The distance, which the Transporter has to travel on the Track—defined by the Track's Length, the Transporter's Length, and its speed, defined by the Speed—determine the time, which the Transporter remains on the Track. As opposed to the other material flow objects, Plant Simulation uses the actual Length, which you enter, during your simulation run. One Transporter may not pass another one moving in front of it. Transporters thus retain their order of moving on and exiting of the Track.
When several Transporters travel along the Track at a different speed, and a faster one collides with a slower one, Plant Simulation activates the collision control of the faster Transporter and automatically reduces its speed to the speed of the slower Transporter.
The Transporter can drive forwards and Backwards on the Track, i.e., it drives onto the Track at its Exit and exits it at its Entrance. Note that driving forwards and backwards are not properties of the Track, but of the Transporters, which drive on it.
The maximum capacity of the Track is defined by its length and the lengths of the individual Transporters moving on it, i.e., a Track that is three yards long accepts three Transporters of one yard each at the most. Use the attribute Capacity to further restrict the number of Transporters located on the Track.
You can use the Turntable to model a rotating platform, which moves the part onto one of several connected material flow objects and/or turns it around. The Turntable accommodates a single part at any one time.
· The part arrives at the exit of the predecessor. It notifies the turntable that it wants to be rotated.
· Without a pull control, the turntable will be notified that a part wants to be rotated and it accepts it.
· When you entered a Pull control, the turntable executes it, and when the part is selected, it will be rotated.
· The turntable rotates to the respective predecessor, and the part moves onto the turntable and drives onto it.
· Once one of the settings below is met, the turntable looks for the target station and starts rotating towards it:
· When the part is located in the center of the turntable, i.e., when both ends of the part have the same distance from the ends of the turntable.
· When you want the turntable to not turn automatically, but only when the part has reached a user-defined sensor, select User-defined with Sensor. In the sensor control, you have to tell the turntable to call the method setDestination.
· For determining the target station the turntable either uses its default exit strategies or the Target control. Within this method you set the target station.
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· Then the turntable rotates to the target and the part moves on, once the turntable has reached the final position of the rotation. Only then a new MU can move onto the Turntable.
You can control the rotation animation steps, with which the Turntable rotates, with the setting Animate on every xth pixel. When you inserted the Turntable with its icon, the Number of Animation Events controls these steps.
You can use the TwoLaneTrack to model a part of a transport line with two lanes on which traffic moves in opposing directions.
The Transporter is the only moving material flow object that can use the TwoLaneTracks in a meaningful way. You might, for example, utilize both to model an AGV (automatically guided vehicle) system.
The distance, which the Transporter has to travel on the TwoLaneTrack—defined by the Length of lane A and the Length of lane B of the TwoLaneTrack, the Transporter's Length, and its speed, defined by the Speed—determine the time, which the Transporter remains on the TwoLaneTrack. As opposed to the other material flow objects, Plant Simulation uses the actual Length, which you enter, during your simulation run. One Transporter may not pass another one moving in front of it. Transporters thus retain their order of moving on and exiting of the TwoLaneTrack. Each lane of the TwoLaneTrack may have its own length to realistically model the length of the lanes, when the TwoLaneTrack turns the corner. In that case the outside lane is longer than the inside lane.
When several Transporters travel along the TwoLaneTrack at a different speed, and a faster one collides with a slower one, Plant Simulation activates the collision control of the faster Transporter and automatically reduces its speed to the speed of the slower Transporter.
Mobile Objects
Plant Simulation provides these mobile objects to model the flow of materials through a simulation model. Note that we call the mobile objects MU or MUs in the program.
· The Entity for modeling parts being produced and transported, but not transporting other work pieces.
· The Transporter for modeling self-propelled vehicles allowing it to drive on its own Track and transporting Entities, Containers and other Transporters. You can hitch up several Transporters to create Tugger Trains.
As opposed to the material flow objects proper, the mobile objects are not bound to a fixed location. Initially a Source object creates the MU from an MU class in the Class Library. They are then passed on to the different stations in the model along the material flow connections. The stations then process the MU. The MU remains at the final station of its movement until it is removed from the installation, usually by a Drain object.
During the simulation run the MU is either located on a material flow object, or on an MU with loading capabilities, such as a Container or a Transporter. The material flow objects either pass the MU along the material flow connections, symbolized by the Connector, to the next object in line or the flow of material is controlled by Method objects.
The length-oriented objects Line, Turntable, Track, and TwoLaneTrack use the actual MU length of the mobile objects, while all other material flow objects ignore the length of the MUs. The AngularConverter uses the MU length and the MU width.
The three MU classes share a number of properties and features. The mainly differ in their loading capacity and their way of moving:
· The Transporter and the Container represent objects that load and transport parts, such as a forklift, a luggage van, a pallet or a bin, etc. You will assign both a dimension, i.e., a capacity, of your choice.
When moving on the Track, the Transporter moves along by itself, even powered by a battery, with the speed you define, forward or in reverse.
· The Entity represents a single object, such as a cylinder head, a crankshaft, etc. that is going to be processed.
The Container is a moving material flow object for transporting other MUs. You can use it to model pallets, bins, boxes, etc. Define the capacity of the loading space—which refers to the number of MUs only, not to their physical size—along the x-axis and the y-axis. During a simulation run Plant Simulation passes the Container along from material flow object to material flow object along the Connectors.
The Entity is a moving material flow object without loading capacity that moves through a plant on the material flow objects proper. The Entity represents parts being produced and transported, but not transporting other work pieces.
The Transporter is an active mobile material flow object. It is self-propelled allowing it to move on its own on the object Track driving forward or in reverse. It also has loading capacity for transporting Entities, Containers and other Transporters.
behaves like the object Track, i.e.the Transporter drives on it, loads and unloads other MUs. Thus you can also define Sensors. Note that the animation on the line-oriented loading space requires an animation line. As Plant Simulation does not create the animation line automatically, you have to assign it an appropriate icon. The length of the line-oriented loading bay is independent of the length of the Transporter itself. You can place other MUs onto the locations on the loading space of the Transporter.
On point-oriented objects, such as the SingleProc, ParallelProc, etc. and on the Line, the Transporter behaves passively, i.e., the Set-up and Processing times of these objects determine how long it is going to stay. These material flow objects also determine the exit behavior of the MUs.
On objects of type Track however, the Transporter itself behaves actively, i.e., it decides on which Track(s) it will drive to get to its Destination object. To do so, it uses the Forward destination list or the Backward destination list of the Track(s) en-route to the destination.
Information Flow Objects
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation offers these objects for providing the simulation with information during the simulation runs:
· The AttributeExplorer for managing the attributes defining the settings of the individual stations in your simulation model.
The Material Flow Objects, which Plant Simulation provides, usually suffice for quickly creating simple simulation models. For more complex models you will employ lists and tables in addition. Lists manage and administer information and data. The Class Library provides these lists and tables:
· The CardFile accesses all cells randomly by their position. You can add new cells at any location. When you remove a cell, all cells with a higher number move up one position.
· The StackFile, compare QueueFile and StackFile, only accesses the cell you added last. When you add a cell all existing cells move one position down. When you remove a cell, the remaining cells each move up one cell.
· The QueueFile, compare QueueFile and StackFile, only accesses the cell you added first. It adds new cells after the last existing cell.
· The TableFile accesses all cells randomly by their column and row number. Note that a new contents will overwrite and replace any existing contents of the cell.
· The TimeSequence accesses all cells randomly by their column and row number. It adds new entries in ascending order according to the time. Entries with a higher position move up by one position when you remove a previous entry.
The CardFile is a list with one column providing random access to the contents of the individual cells using their position, i.e., row number. Imagine the CardFile as a file-card box. When you add an entry, Plant Simulation moves all entries after this one position down. You can delete an entry, and you can read an entry and add that entry back to the CardFile.
Note the difference between the object CardFile, which you can insert into a model, and the data type list. You can create user-defined attributes and local and global variables of data type list that are part of another object and thus are not an object of their own and do not have their own icon.
For this reason these variables and attributes do not recognize the methods of the CardFile, such as location or existsIcon. All other methods, especially for read and write access, apply to both the CardFile and to variables and attributes.
QueueFile and StackFile
The objects StackFile and QueueFile are lists with one column. They share all methods and attributes, but differ in their built-in properties.
The TableFile is a list with two or more columns. You can access the individual cells by employing their index, their position designated by the number of the row and the number of the column. You can compare a TableFile to a shelf. Enter values and references to the cells and remove them again. As opposed to the CardFile, the contents of the cells remain in the TableFile, the TableFile can also have blank cells in a range. You can add and remove rows and columns during a simulation run at will.
The TableFile shares its built-in properties with the data type Table. Note the difference between the object TableFile that you can insert into models and the data type table. You can create user-defined attributes and local and global variables of data type table that are part of another object and thus are not an object of their own and do not have their own icon.
For this reason these variables and attributes do not recognize the methods of the TableFile, such as location or existsIcon. All other methods, especially for read and write access apply to both the TableFile and to variables and attributes.
The TimeSequence is a table with two columns containing a point in time (column 1) and the value associated with it (column 2). The TimeSequence records, controls and administers time-related values, such as shift plans or machine maintenance schedule.
Plant Simulation sorts the contents in ascending order. Note that the contents may change dynamically. When you delete a pair of entries contained in a row, Plant Simulation moves the following rows up, so that no blank cells remain.
The object AttributeExplorer manages the attributes defining the settings of the individual stations in your simulation model at a single location. Instead of opening the dialog of each and every material flow object in your model and entering attribute values into the text boxes, you can define which attributes of which object the AttributeExplorer gets and shows in a list window, when you click Show Explorer. You can then enter different values, for the capacities, the times, etc., which Plant Simulation writes back to the objects and uses in the model. You can Export this settings table as a tab-delimited text file and Import this file into the AttributeExplorer of another simulation model, thus using identical settings in several of your simulation models.
The FileInterface is an easy-to use interface to access data you create and store in other programs in ASCII format. You can create data for a simulation run in text files and import it into Plant Simulation during the simulation run with the FileInterface. You can also write protocol files, statistics tables, etc. directly into a text file, without having to take a detour by using tables or lists. You can then visualize or manipulate this data in a spread sheet program or a word processing application.
The FileLink places a link, i.e., a shortcut to a file into a Frame. When you drag a file from the Desktop or the Windows Explorer into a Plant Simulation Frame and drop it there, the FileLink creates a link to the file in that Frame using the icon of the originating application.
Plant Simulation opens a dialog asking if you would like to embed the file into the Plant Simulation model or not. When you select Yes, it copies the file into your Plant Simulation model file when you save the model file. When you open the model file the next time, Plant Simulation creates a temporary file, which is a copy of the original file. When you are still editing an embedded file in its originating application while you save the Plant Simulation model file, Plant Simulation issues a message.

The Generator activates Method objects from the time you enter under Start in regular or statistically distributed intervals, for the time interval you enter for the interval control. After the time span, you enter for the duration, has elapsed, Plant Simulation calls the Method object you entered as duration control on the tab Controls. Note that Interval and Duration controls always appear in pairs.
You can enter times as a fixed interval or as a statistical distribution. You can also limit the statistical distributions to a segment of the entire range.
With the object Method you can program controls that other objects start and which Plant Simulation then executes during the simulation run. Here, we will only describe the object Method itself, reserving the description of the programming language for the chapter SimTalk.
You can build your own programs using a combination of built-in methods, Keywords, assignments and control structures in the Method. Also check if one of the built-in templates suit your needs. You can also write your own templates for your own use and for sharing with your colleagues.
This construct combines productivity and flexibility. You can modify the behavior of an object, so that it exactly fits your modeling needs, by writing user-defined methods. The built-in properties of the objects, the large number of built-in methods provided and the inheritance strategies help constructing valid models in a short amount of time.
The Trigger changes values of attributes and global variables according to a custom pattern you define during a simulation run. It can activate methods also, which then execute the actions you programmed.
The Trigger maps times to the values of a variable. User-defined attributes take values designated by the Trigger during a simulation run. You can specify the values either in a single TimeSequence object or by combining several time sequences of other Triggers. In addition, a Trigger can control how and when a Source object creates MUs.
The Variable is a global variable that other objects and methods can access during a simulation run. A variable represents an unknown quantity, it represents an element which stores a quantity. The opposite of a variable is a constant, whose value is known and does not change. You might, for example, use it to store data over an extended period of time during your simulation run, to count values up and down, to assign values, etc.
Display and User Interface Objects
6.4 Tools
- The Artificial Neural Network for analyzing simulation studies and for forecasting.
- The BottleneckAnalyzer and the SankeyDiagram for analyzing and displaying the flow of parts through a plant.
- The ExperimentManager for running experiments with your simulation model. You can also use it for Running a Distributed Simulation
- The GAWizard to optimize models with genetic algorithms.
- The PortalCrane for placing parts into storage and for removing them from storage.
- The TransferStation for loading, unloading, and reloading parts.
- The WorkerChart for showing statistics values of all workers in a single WorkerPool.
Opn. No. | Opn. Description |
1000 | Fitment of W bracket and transmission breather pipe mtg bracket |
| Pre-fitting of W bkt & transmission breather pipe mtg pipe on chassis |
| Routing of gear shifter & H/B cable through W bkt |
| Tightening of W bkt & transmission breather pipe mtg bkt on chassis |
1010 | Fitment of lower back panel beading |
| Fitment of lower back panel beading |
1020 | Fitment of 4 way Tee |
| Fitment of 4 way Tee |
1030 | Fitment of LSPV |
| Fitment of LSPV |
1040 | Clipping of brake bundy |
| Fitment of brake bundy routing clips |
| Clipping of brake bundy on chassis |
1050 | Fitment of brake bundy |
| Fitment of TMC brake bundy to 4 way tee |
| Fitment of front wheel brake bundy to 4 way tee |
| Fitment of LSPV brake bundy to 4 way tee |
| Fitment of TMC brake bundy to union joint |
| Fitment of union brake bundy to LSPV |
| Fitment of 4 way tee Brake bundy to LSPV |
1060 | Fitment of Front brake hose |
| Fitment of front brake hose |
| Tightening of brake bundy |
1070 | Fitment of grommets on under body |
| Fitment of grommets on under body |
1080 | Routing of cables |
| Routing of control cable for selector |
| Routing of control cable for shifter & parking brake cable |
| Routing of vacuum hose on cross member |
| Routing of vacuum hose on long member |
1090 | Fitment of vacuum tank |
| Insertion of hoses on vacuum tank |
| Fitment of vacuum tank on chassis |
1100 | Dirty side hoses subassembly |
| Fitment of extension hose on rear dirty side hose |
| Fitment of rear dirty side hose on dirty side pipe |
1110 | Fitment of Dirty side hoses |
| Fitment of dirty side pipe on chassis and cargo |
| Fitment of extension hose on cargo |
1120 | Fitment of Top encapsulation |
| Fitment of Top encapsulation |
1130 | Fitment of Dummy clutch pedal on chassis |
| Fitment of Dummy clutch pedal |
1140 | Fitment of chassis wiring harness |
| Clipping of chassis wiring harness |
| Earthing connection on chassis |
| Connection of wiring harness for tail lamp |
| Connection of wiring harness for registration plate lamp |
| Connection of wiring harness for side marker |
1150 | Fitment of Suspension cross member |
| Fitment of Suspension cross member |
1160 | Radiator & fan subassembly |
| Fitment of radiator and Fan |
| Fitment of thermoswitch on radiator |
| Fitment of radiator side deflector |
| Connection chassis wiring harness to radiator fan & thermoswitch |
1170 | Fitment of Radiator assembly |
| Fitment of radiator assy along with top deflector |
| Fitment of side deflector |
1180 | Subassembly of intermediate shaft & steering gear box |
| Fitment of intermediate shaft on steering gear box |
1190 | Fitment of steering gear box on chassis |
| Insertion of steering bellow in intermediate shaft |
| Align & insert intermediate shaft with steering column |
| Fitment of intermediate shaft on upper column |
| Fitment of steering gear box assy on chassis |
1200 | Engine Subassembly |
| Engine Inspection |
| Fitment of FIP main line |
| Fitment of return line rubber hose on FIP return line |
| Clipping of FIP main & return line |
| Insertion of top rubber on cradle tube |
| Loading of engine on decking trolley |
1210 | Fitment of power train |
| Power train Positioning |
| Engine tightening |
| Fitment of Transmission support bkt on chassis with propeller shaft guard |
| Fitment of vacuum hose on vacuum reservior tank |
| Routing of main fuel line , return fuel line & Negative cable |
1220 | Fitment Engine wiring harness |
| Connection of engine wiring harness to chassis wiring harness |
| Connection of chassis wiring harness to transmission sensor |
1230 | Fitment of clutch cable on engine |
| Fitment of clutch cable grommet on chassis |
| Removing of barrel & dowel from clutch cable |
| Insertion of clutch cable from stopper assy bkt |
| Insertion of clutch cable from release arm |
| Fitment of clutch cable on engine |
| Fitment of clutch cable on suspension cross member & body |
Engine decking process is the process in which engine of LTV is attached to the body of vehicle. With the help of discrete event simulation we able to change process of engine decking. In earlier process assembly workers has to move along self propelled engine trolley and EMS (electro monorail sensor) hanger and engine from engine trolley is assembled to the body of the vehicle. But this process was inconvenient to workers ergonomic point of view. Using discrete event simulation we able to make go and stop concept for engine decking so that engine on self propelled trolley will stop for time equal to engine decking cycle time at station five . Within that decking cycle time worker will do all operation related to engine decking process.
We have find following using discrete event simulation
} The optimum engine decking operation cycle time is 2 min 20 second with hanger speed 12 m/min(station 4,5,6).
} Hanger speed between station between 3 & 4 ,4 & 5 and 5 & 6 is 12m/min
} By decreasing the hanger speed at station 4,5,6 the decking cycle time(at station 5) is decreasing
} At 6 m/min of hanger speed the best decking cycle time is 1 min 55 sec at station 5
} Optimum number of engine trolley is 3
1. Averil M. Law (2008)-Simulation modeling and analysis,TMH,Bostan USA
2. Onur Ulgen(production modeling corporation & university of Michigan-Dearborn) Ali Gunal (production modeling corporation)-“Simulation in automobile industry”
3. Arun Jayaraman (production modeling corporation)- “Applications of discrete event simulation in the design of automotive powertrain manufacturing systems”
4. Nils Boysen a, Malte Fliedner a, Armin Scholl- “Sequencing mixed-model assembly lines: Survey, classification
a. and model critique”
5. Kevin J. Watson a, John H. Blackstone b,1, Stanley C. Gardiner c,2- “The evolution of a management philosophy: The theory of constraints”
6. Michael E. Bergen1, Peter Van Beek1, & Tom Carchrae2 1 department of computing science,university of Alberta edmontan, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1- “Constraint –based vehicle assembly line sequencing”
8. John S. Carson, (2003)“Introduction To Modeling And Simulation” Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference
9. Peng Qu, Geoffrey E. Skinner,Scott J. Mason,(2003) “Sizing A Pilot Production Line Using Simulation”
a. Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference
10. B. Johansson, S. Jain, J. Montoya-Torres, J. Hugan, and E. YĆ¼cesan, (2010)
a. “Increasing Throughput In An Automated Packaging Line With
b. Irreducible Complexity” Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference
11. Ray J Paul, Jasna Kuljis,(2008) “Problem Solving, Model Solving, Or What?”
a. Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference
12. Minh Dang Nguyen,Soemon Takakuwa (2008) “Emergence Of Simulations For Manufacturing Line Designs
13. Sankar Sengupta, Kanchan Das, Robert P. VanTil (2007) “A New Method For Bottleneck Detection” Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference
14. Ricki G. Ingalls (2006)“Introduction To Simulation” Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference
15. Averill M. Law (2008) “How To Build Valid And Credible Simulation Models” Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference
16. Vishvas Patel(2002) “Throughput Analysis & Simulations” Proceedings of the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference
17. Felipe F. Baesler,Milton Moraga,Francisco J. Ramis(2002) “Productivity Improvement In The Wood Industr Using Simulation And Artificial Intelligence” Winter Simulation Conference
18. Michael C. Fu (2005) “Simulation Optimization: A Review, New Developments, And Applications”Winter Simulation Conference
19. Tutorial Tecnomatix Plant Simulation
Mr.Nitin A.Dhamal 1 & Mr.Dattaji K. Shinde 2
1Research scholar Dept. of Production Engineering, V. J. T.I. Mumbai.
2Assistant Professor Dept. of Production Engineering, V. J. T.I. Mumbai.
Engine decking process is one of the most critical process in final assembly line of light transport vehicle (LTV maxximo, 2Cylinder CRDe engine with DOHC technology 4Valve/cylinder Power-25HP, 45NM torque ,850kg payload ,900CC engine) of Mahindra .Painted bodies with chassis passed to final assembly lines on conveyers where different vehicle components are attached to it such as doors, cargo radiator, instrument panel , wind shield glass ,engine, axle, steering gear box, wheels, batteries etc.
In engine decking process, Engine is attached to the body of LTV. Engine placed on self propelled engine trolley which moves on circular conveyer in closed loop and attached to body of LTV which is hold by electro monorail sensor hanger (EMS).earlier in this process assembly workers moves with line process speed and do all assembly work of engine attachment to the body i.e. positioning of engine on trolley, alignment of engine, torquing of engine with chassis etc. This process is inconvenient for assembly workers considering ergonomic point of view. Output in terms of JPH (jobs /hr) were not also achieved consistently. in this paper new process for engine decking has been designed by considering ergonomic point of view, with changing EMS hanger speed at different stations on assembly line and providing stop for engine assembly on vehicle body.Time for which engine on trolley is stopped is known as engine decking cycle time.That time is optimized using simulation techniques.
2.1 What is Simulation?
VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Association of German Engineers) guideline 3633 defines simulation as the emulation of a system, including its dynamic processes, in a model one can experiment with. It aims at achieving results that can be transferred to a real world installation. In addition, simulation defines the preparation, execution and evaluation of carefully directed experiments within a simulation model.
Developing your simulation model is a cyclical and evolutionary process. You will start out with a first draft of your model and then refine and modify it to make use of the intermediary results the simulation runs provide. Eventually, after several cycles, you will arrive at your final model.
2.2Time-Oriented Simulation and Event-Oriented Simulation
Plant Simulation is a discrete, event-oriented simulation program, i.e., it only inspects those points in time, at which events take place within the simulation model
A discrete, event-oriented simulation program on the other hand only takes points in time (events) into consideration that are of importance to the further course of the simulation. Such events may, for example, be a part entering a station or leaving it or of it moving on to another machine. Any movements in between are of little interest to the simulation as such. It is only important that the entrance and the exit (Out) events are displayed correctly. When a part enters a material flow object, Plant Simulation calculates the time until it exits that object and enters an exit event into the list of scheduled events of the EventController for this point in time.
Thus, the simulation time that the EventController displays, leaps from event to event. This happens as soon as an event is processed.
“To change the existing process of engine decking in which all these assembly operations worker has to move with conveyer and fitting engine on body. For whole shift it was difficult for worker to aligning of engine , torquing etc. Task is to develop new method convenient to assembly workers and achieve desired output in terms of JPH.(jobs per hour)” .In new method, engine on self propelled trolley will stop for assembling with vehicle body at station with some time known as engine decking cycle time. We have to optimize that time with the help of simulation. following are some of task for that we have to use simulation techniques.
· Validate Stop and Go Concept for Engine Decking process
· Validate/predict System throughput
· Validate/optimize Engine Decking Operation cycle time
· Optimize EMS Hanger Speed
· Optimization Engine trolley
· What-if analysis
Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.
ReplyDeleteAutomotive Powertrain
Best blog about auto transport. Must share with others.